Saturday, March 24, 2018

Restoring Serenity...One warm spirit at a time!

I trust you received my email to the team prior to our Team Call on Wednesday (3/21) containing the  the Serenity Pledge form.  If not, I've included it below for your convenience.  After you read it, I hope you will join us in a dynamic return to self-care, wellness and serenity.  

We owe it to ourselves, to our families and to everyone in our community.  Together I believe we can make a tremendous impact while reconnecting to that which brought us together.  

You can also listen to the replay of our call by dialing:

access code 57559#
file sharing ID #384 

Download the full SERENITY PLEDGE PAK.

The Pak includes a cover letter to engage your contact and explain the program, the pledge pictured above, and a guide for creating a serenity sanctuary at home.  Feel free to copy and share at team meetings, wellness & pampering events and by email.  By making it a priority to invite all of your contacts to join this movement, it will help you create lasting relationships and develop a very loyal customer base.  

This is also a great tool to re-engage team members who may not be interested or have time to work their business.  So rather than leave them without an identity, invite them to join the serenity movement as a way for them to be an active part of our ongoing journey.  

Making the Serenity Pledge is ideal for everyone!

Start by making the pledge personally and continue by sharing it with everyone.

We will restore warm spirit at a time!



Reprint of email message

Dear Friends,

Moving into this new season of life with a goal to be well and the best version of ourselves, it warrants a look back and a return to what brought us together.  


Whether your first introduction to this community occurred sometime in the last 10 years with Soul Purpose or you were one of the original self-care mavens of Warm Spirit, knowing we deserved better and giving ourselves permission to practice self-care was a lightening rod that started an empowerment movement.
As life happens, many of us have become distracted by our to do lists, obligations and other external factors. The stress is palpable and so are the effects on our health, the quality of our lives and our families. Now, it’s time to recommit to the practice self-care.

Today, I invite you to join us by recommitting to relaxation and rejuvenation of your mind, body and spirit.  Take the pledge personally and invite others to join the movement.  Together, we can change lives by impacting families and the communities around us.

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