Monday, July 18, 2016


How's your bounce back game?  
Think about it.  When life throws you a curve ball, and you swing and miss, do you quit the game or bounce back for your next turn?

Life has a way of presenting obstacles just when we are ready to shine.  Sometimes they sneak up on us, other times we can see them coming, but they can rock our world nonetheless. It's a part of life. 'Ish happens. But it's how we respond, how we bounce back, that makes all the difference.

Looking back over my life, I've dealt with a lot. I don't talk about it a lot because I don't like to give energy to it. But, I've encountered everything from verbal abuse, divorce, death, grief, betrayal, being cheated on, discrimination from others and even from within my own race, and not feeling safe in my own home. (WOW! No wonder I'm a tired sista.)

There have been so many obstacles and I'm sure your list is just as long.  Yes, we have many, many reasons to throw our hands up and give up. But, we can't because, we're in it to win.

We are descendants of QUEENS and KINGS...  
And don't you forget it!!!!  

This IS our time to shine!  So I encourage you to focus on your bounce back.  Focus on the times you've come back to win.  Focus on people that you admire, who have been knocked down, gotten back up and are WINNING.

The BOUNCE BACK is in our hands!  Just follow this prescription....

Set the ambiance:  Put on inspiring music, light your Soul Purpose candle, and pour yourself a glass of wine or ice tea.

Supplies needed:  tissue, post it note pad, pen, trash can, cigarette lighter

1.  Write a single obstacle that you've encountered on a post it.  Also write down how it made you feel, then light it up for the trash.

2.  As you toss it in the trash, say "I release YOU.  You no longer have any power over me.  You were just a moment in time and your time is OVER.  This is my time.  My destiny is greatness and I WILL WIN!"

3.  Repeat for every obstacle you feel has or is holding you back. By the end of the process, you should feel the cleansing relief of release and empowerment.  Let it all go.

4.  Now write down what you want. Your goals. Your desires. Add those these to your vision board, your bathroom mirror or bedroom mirror.

Now, step up to the plate and swing 'cause it's a whole new ball game!

"Falling down is not FAILURE; not getting back up IS!"

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